Biography of the New U.S. Ambassador to France & Monaco
Charles H. Rivkin
Charles H. Rivkin
Charles H. Rivkin was nominated the Ambassador of the United States ofAmerica to France on June 1, 2009 by President Obama and was sworn into officeon August 3, 2009.Charles Rivkin recently served as the President and CEO of Wildbrain, anaward-winning entertainment company, from 2005-2009. Prior to joiningWildbrain, Mr. Rivkin worked for the Jim Henson Company. He served as thePresident and Chief Executive Officer from 2000-2003 and as the President andChief Operating Officer from 1995-2000. Mr. Rivkin was the Executive VicePresident and Chief Operating Officer from 1994-1995, Senior Vice President andChief Operating Officer from 1991-1994, Vice President from 1990-1991, andDirector of Planning from 1988-1990. Mr. Rivkin served on the Jim HensonCompany’s Board of Directors from 1990-2005. Other work experiences includeserving as a financial analyst with Salomon Brothers from 1984-1986 andinternships with Renault and Columbia Pictures.
Mr. Rivkin was recently involved with a number of outside organizationsincluding: Member, Pacific Council on International Policy, since 2007; Member,Homeland Security Advisory Council, Business Executives for National Security,2008-2009; Member, Young Presidents’ Organization, 1996-2009; Chairman, Bel-Air, 2004-2005; Director, Save the Children, 1997-2003; Director, Chrysalis-Changing Lives through Jobs, 1996-2002. Mr. Rivkin is the recipient of an awardfrom the British Academy of Film and Television Arts for the Best InternationalChildren’s Television Show and is also a recipient of the Spirit of ChrysalisAward.
Since 1968, Mr. Rivkin and his family have presented the U.S. StateDepartment’s “Rivkin Award,” honoring “intellectual courage and constructivedissent” in the American Foreign Service. Mr. Rivkin received his M.B.A. fromHarvard University and his B.A. in political science with distinction ininternational relations from Yale College.
Mr. Rivkin was recently involved with a number of outside organizationsincluding: Member, Pacific Council on International Policy, since 2007; Member,Homeland Security Advisory Council, Business Executives for National Security,2008-2009; Member, Young Presidents’ Organization, 1996-2009; Chairman, Bel-Air, 2004-2005; Director, Save the Children, 1997-2003; Director, Chrysalis-Changing Lives through Jobs, 1996-2002. Mr. Rivkin is the recipient of an awardfrom the British Academy of Film and Television Arts for the Best InternationalChildren’s Television Show and is also a recipient of the Spirit of ChrysalisAward.
Since 1968, Mr. Rivkin and his family have presented the U.S. StateDepartment’s “Rivkin Award,” honoring “intellectual courage and constructivedissent” in the American Foreign Service. Mr. Rivkin received his M.B.A. fromHarvard University and his B.A. in political science with distinction ininternational relations from Yale College.